
Wednesday's News

Doctors in South Florida contend that if reports from El País are credible, than there is little chance that Fidel Castro will survive from this illness. New York Times, Miami Herald

A second warrant was issued for the arrest of Isabel Peron by Argentine federal judge Norberto Oyarbide. AP

Nicaragua’s new finance minister Alberto Guevara is focusing much of the new Ortega administration on poverty reduction. Financial Times

Salvatore Mancuso is the first Colombian paramilitary leader to confess to his crimes in the demobilization process. Christian Science Monitor

The Mexican government sent a diplomatic note to the United States condemning the killing of a migrant in Arizona. AP

Jake Dizard of Freedom House offers an overview of the organization’s annual index of freedom, noting that elections region-wide have strengthened countries’ ratings but security and laws restricting NGOs restrict the region’s freedom. Miami Herald

Denise Dresser of ITAM writes that Mexican president Felipe Calderon must work to overhaul the country’s judicial and law enforcement system in order to systemically dismantle the country’s crime and drug trafficking rings. LA Times

Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, through regulations and funding, aims to boost Venezuelan movies, music, and art. Christian Science Monitor

The Wall Street Journal editorial page comments on Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Latin America. Wall Street Journal

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