Wednesday's News
The Wall Street Journal runs a front page article on the decline of populism in the region as demonstrated by recent electoral results. The article highlights the changing electoral tactics of leftist Rafael Correa in Ecuador's presidential election as being reflective of an overall trend. Wall Street Journal
The Mexican government, amid little fanfare, has issued the final draft of the details of the dirty war waged by the government from the late 60s to early 80s. The report details thousands of cases of torture and hundreds of state-sponsored disappearances. Washington Post
With president Hugo Chavez spending $100 million to upgrade and build health clinics in Venezuela, traditional hospitals that have not played the political game have suffered. Miami Herald
The trial of extradited FARC rebel Ricardo Palmera in the US has resulted in a mistrial. BBC
Mexican president-elect Felipe Calderon has named a number of prominent academics and economists to key cabinet posts. BBC
The executive branches of the US and Colombian governments are to sign a free trade agreement today, but ratification of the accord remains a difficult task for the US congress. Financial Times
Despite Argentine opposition to the construction of a Finnish pulp mill on the Uruguay River, the IFC has approved a $170 million loan to initiate construction on the project. Financial Times
The Mexican government, amid little fanfare, has issued the final draft of the details of the dirty war waged by the government from the late 60s to early 80s. The report details thousands of cases of torture and hundreds of state-sponsored disappearances. Washington Post
With president Hugo Chavez spending $100 million to upgrade and build health clinics in Venezuela, traditional hospitals that have not played the political game have suffered. Miami Herald
The trial of extradited FARC rebel Ricardo Palmera in the US has resulted in a mistrial. BBC
Mexican president-elect Felipe Calderon has named a number of prominent academics and economists to key cabinet posts. BBC
The executive branches of the US and Colombian governments are to sign a free trade agreement today, but ratification of the accord remains a difficult task for the US congress. Financial Times
Despite Argentine opposition to the construction of a Finnish pulp mill on the Uruguay River, the IFC has approved a $170 million loan to initiate construction on the project. Financial Times