Random World Cup Observations
A few random comments on the World Cup:
1) As usual I find myself watching the Univision broadcasts rather than the ESPN ones. Although I find the Irish announcer they use sometimes to be entertaining, there is something about the play-by-play in Spanish that allows the broadcaster to employ much more hyperbole and emotion without it sounding corny. Not to mention the ubiquitous passion of a gol call after a team hits the net.
2) Claudio Reyna plays professionally in England, and when he was interviewed after the Yanks' crushing defeat at the hands of the Czechs, he spoke with a pseudo-British accent. I've always found accents to be fascinating, and when I returned from Chile four years ago, my parents video-taped me speaking in Chilean-inflected speech, complete with a whole new set of slang words. I have a good friend who goes to St. Andrews in Scotland, and she now completely speaks like a Brit. It's kind of annoying, but I guess if you are surrounded by it you naturally adapt. Similar to many Southerners who tried to lose their y'alls when they came up North for college.
3) The teams that have impressed me so far: the Czechs, Italians, and the Spanish. The African sides all have held their own, but are a step behind. I don't expect much out of the Middle Eastern teams or the Asian teams (poor Japan got taken out to the woodshed in a flurry). We'll see if any of the Latin American teams besides Argentina and Brazil make any noise. I like Ecuador and it would be awesome if CR could get out of their group.
1) As usual I find myself watching the Univision broadcasts rather than the ESPN ones. Although I find the Irish announcer they use sometimes to be entertaining, there is something about the play-by-play in Spanish that allows the broadcaster to employ much more hyperbole and emotion without it sounding corny. Not to mention the ubiquitous passion of a gol call after a team hits the net.
2) Claudio Reyna plays professionally in England, and when he was interviewed after the Yanks' crushing defeat at the hands of the Czechs, he spoke with a pseudo-British accent. I've always found accents to be fascinating, and when I returned from Chile four years ago, my parents video-taped me speaking in Chilean-inflected speech, complete with a whole new set of slang words. I have a good friend who goes to St. Andrews in Scotland, and she now completely speaks like a Brit. It's kind of annoying, but I guess if you are surrounded by it you naturally adapt. Similar to many Southerners who tried to lose their y'alls when they came up North for college.
3) The teams that have impressed me so far: the Czechs, Italians, and the Spanish. The African sides all have held their own, but are a step behind. I don't expect much out of the Middle Eastern teams or the Asian teams (poor Japan got taken out to the woodshed in a flurry). We'll see if any of the Latin American teams besides Argentina and Brazil make any noise. I like Ecuador and it would be awesome if CR could get out of their group.
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Good to have you back. When I'm bored at work, nothing satisfies like Juanson World.
I agree on point #1 for all of the reasons you cite. On point #3, I think now it's clear that Argentina is a force, and that Germany is surprisingly strong. I am very worried about Italy and I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will do well against the Czechs today.
Good to have you back. When I'm bored at work, nothing satisfies like Juanson World.
I agree on point #1 for all of the reasons you cite. On point #3, I think now it's clear that Argentina is a force, and that Germany is surprisingly strong. I am very worried about Italy and I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will do well against the Czechs today.
Re: Claudio Reyna, John Harkes, etc., their accent is a complete wanker affectation...as a linguist I can tell you that after about 15-16 years of age, your accent (in your native tongue)is fixed. I also watch the Univision announcers, the ABC/ESPN ones put me to sleep!
許多來酒店應徵的小姐都一定會詢問,請問: 到酒店上班當酒店小姐就一定要出場陪睡接s嗎?其實現在的酒店已不像大家刻版印象中的不人道。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因1998年以前到酒店上班的小姐客人看上了酒店小姐想帶小姐出去,酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?店家確實一定會強迫小姐陪睡出場接S。
現在是文明的時代也是Google網路搜尋資訊的年代了! 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店的環境變化很大,由以前傳統制度酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?演化改為人性化管理,也就是因為酒店業者增多各家【百家爭鳴】酒店競爭大,各家酒店業者透過【開放自由管理方式】,來招募更多的酒店小姐。
所以現在的酒店也不會像電影/電視連續劇一樣,強制小姐一定要跟客人出場,現在酒店上班將酒店小姐出場的方式改為小姐個人意願,客人要帶小姐出場時會告知小姐要去那裡,只要小姐不願意跟客人出去店家沒人能逼妳,有些酒店只有規定小姐出場只需陪客人到客人想去的地方(例如:吃消夜 續攤 錢櫃 夜店 )當然也會告知雙方(有床的地方不能去 例如:妳家/客人家/旅館/飯店/辦公室)苗頭不對可立即離開。
也不可能要求小姐跟客人出去就一定要接S,當然也會有部份小姐因為想賺取更多的收入,而跟客人私下交易自已接S,所以酒店小姐到酒店上班出場接S完全屬於小姐個人行為,也不必擔心說到酒店上班就一定要出場或接S的。(我們絕對不會去勉強妳,我梁曉尊也不願意強迫小姐 做她不想做的事。)
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許多來酒店應徵的小姐都一定會詢問,請問: 到酒店上班當酒店小姐就一定要出場陪睡接s嗎?其實現在的酒店已不像大家刻版印象中的不人道。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因1998年以前到酒店上班的小姐客人看上了酒店小姐想帶小姐出去,酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?店家確實一定會強迫小姐陪睡出場接S。
現在是文明的時代也是Google網路搜尋資訊的年代了! 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店的環境變化很大,由以前傳統制度酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?演化改為人性化管理,也就是因為酒店業者增多各家【百家爭鳴】酒店競爭大,各家酒店業者透過【開放自由管理方式】,來招募更多的酒店小姐。
所以現在的酒店也不會像電影/電視連續劇一樣,強制小姐一定要跟客人出場,現在酒店上班將酒店小姐出場的方式改為小姐個人意願,客人要帶小姐出場時會告知小姐要去那裡,只要小姐不願意跟客人出去店家沒人能逼妳,有些酒店只有規定小姐出場只需陪客人到客人想去的地方(例如:吃消夜 續攤 錢櫃 夜店 )當然也會告知雙方(有床的地方不能去 例如:妳家/客人家/旅館/飯店/辦公室)苗頭不對可立即離開。
也不可能要求小姐跟客人出去就一定要接S,當然也會有部份小姐因為想賺取更多的收入,而跟客人私下交易自已接S,所以酒店小姐到酒店上班出場接S完全屬於小姐個人行為,也不必擔心說到酒店上班就一定要出場或接S的。(我們絕對不會去勉強妳,我梁曉尊也不願意強迫小姐 做她不想做的事。)
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