
Midwest Hospitality

MADISON, WI - It is fitting that I write this from the "Fair Trade Coffee House" here on picturesque State St. in downtown Madison. The industrial 1950s style campus buildings provide the perfect backdrop for strolling down the main drag, where bohemian clothing stores compete with memorabilia-heavy industrial size sports bars. Such is the liberal haven of the Midwest, where the long winter doesn't appear quite so forboding as students prepare for the fall bachanalia known as Badger football season.

Madison came on the heels of another Big 10 powerhouse, Columbus, home of THE Ohio State University. Hosted by a friend of a friend, the locals were not afraid to stay out until the wee hours of morning to show us the "authentic" Columbus experience. East Coasters as we are, it was a snapshot of "real" America - friendly folks born and raised in Ohio with no intention to leave Columbus. Having grown up in the Washington, DC area and attended school in NJ, I never experienced the "leaving my hometown for the big city" experience that seems to define the yuppie concept in America. My friends and I decided to forgo the sweltering South to explore a part of the country we may never see again. The Twin Cities are next, followed by the Badlands of South Dakota. Hopefully I can get some pictures up soon.


Enjoyed reading your description of Madison. Keep on writing about your road trip and try to get some photos up there.


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