Get the F**k Out
Great post by Dan Savage in Andrew Sullivan's blog (I'll just reprint it here in its entirety):
GET OUT NOW: Okay, I have a half an hour until my stint here as guest-blogger ends and I turn back into pumpkin. I wish I had more time to flesh this out, but I have to leave for the airport in a half an hour so I’m just going to have to blast through this. Forgive the stream of consciousness, the misspellings, and the rambling nature of this post.
Look, I was for this thing. I went out on limb and backed it. I wanted it to succeed. I still do.
But it’s time to declare victory and get the fuck out. Thanks to the incompetence of this administration, we can no longer avoid the “Q” word. It’s a quagmire. Period. Listening to Marketplace while I made dinner tonight, I learned that attacks on military convoys have gone up—doubled or tripled, I didn’t have a pen—in the last 12 months. How’d that happen? How many billions spent and how many Americans and Iraqis dead and yet things just keep going from bad to worse.
It seems that the more corners we’re told we’ve turned, the more walls we run into. And it just keeps coming back to manpower—“just enough troops to lose,” as Andrew says. There were never enough troops on the ground, and since this President never met a fuck-up that he wouldn’t pin a Medal of Freedom on, the same fuck-ups who mismanaged this thing from the start are still grinning at us on TV.
Does anyone in the White House know what the fuck they’re doing? One day it’s the war on terror, the next day it’s got a new name, then it’s back to the war on terror. We’re going to set a date to start reducing troop levels—no, wait, we’re not. Killing Saddam’s sons will change things for the better, no wait. Capturing Saddam will take the wind out of the sails of the insurgency. Now that everyone in Iraq has a purple finger, the insurgents are going to slink away. We clear a town of insurgents, but we don’t have the manpower to hold it, so we pull the troops out and—surprise—the insurgents take the town back. “Dead enders,” “last throes,” “losing stream.”
On and on it goes, and the news doesn’t change, or get any better. If it needs a new name perhaps we should call it the Groundhog’s Day War. Does anyone believe that the Iraqi Constitution—coming on Monday—is going to change a damn thing?
George Bush is good at one thing and one thing only: winning elections and coasting along. Forget the maybe/maybe not criminal outing of a CIA agent—the prosecution of this war is this administration's signature crime. My friends who admonish me for not seeing this coming the run-up to the war are right, it pains me to admit. I have no longer have any faith—none whatever—in Bush, Rummy, Condi, Dick, or the rest of the jackasses running this show. And like all liberals who supported this thing, I'm angier about George Bush's handling of this war than any liberal who opposed it. Liberal hawks wanted to win this more desperately than anyone else. But it’s time to bring down the curtain—why? Not because war I hate Bush so much that I want to see my country lose this war—I love my country—and not because I don’t care about the Iraqi people. I’m one of those liberals who backed the war for humanitarian reasons.
No, we should get out because, with the Bushies running the show for the next three years, we’re simply not going to win. It’s just go to drag on and on. This war, as I see it now, is either going to be nasty, brutal and short or nasty, brutal and long. I prefer nastry, brutal and short, if only because it will mean fewer Americans will die. And fewer Iraqis too, I suspect.
To paraphrase a war hero: How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for an incompetent?
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Reed, I didn't really see the article as an anti-Bush rant, as much as the collective poor execution of the war. I also didn't post it because I thought it represented the "liberal cause", which you characterize as "negativity and criticism without any logical alternative." Whether we pull out now, 1, 5, 10 years from now, thousands of innocents will have been wounded and died, and will the results be worth it? Why don't we ask Nicaragua, 20 years after their war.
"I think that is a question which should probably be addressed to the insurgents as opposed to the U.S. military."
Last time I checked, the US invaded Iraq.
Last time I checked, the US invaded Iraq.
"Last time I checked the insurgents were the ones detonating high-powered explosives in the middle of crowded streets killing their own countrymen."
That's like blaming the Americans for fighting back against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.
That's like blaming the Americans for fighting back against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.
Instead of always giving the same leftist rhetoric why don't you make some real arguments, "Tau"?
Look, we went into Iraq to kick some ass and we are doing it... If you don't like that then too bad.
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Look, we went into Iraq to kick some ass and we are doing it... If you don't like that then too bad.
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