
More Hype

I'm really bored with all the hype surrounding the Karl Rove scandal. I hate how politics in this country is defined by these polarizing stories which dominate the news cycles and completely take away from what is really important.

Let's get a couple of facts straight:

1) Karl Rove did something stupid, for stupid reasons
2) Bush will not fire Karl Rove
3) A reporter is in jail (and she didn't write anything - why isn't Novak in jail?)

You can twist this situation any way you wish, but it is simply another example of why I am sick of Washington partisan bickering. This occurs on both sides of the aisle. Whether you are dirtier as a Republican or a Democrat means nothing to me; I just hate how the blogosphere and the media gets dominated by an issue that at most affects a handful of people. (This sort of situation also makes me really not want to become a lawyer.)

While this issue grips America and demonstrates how "different" Republicans and Democrats are, millions of citizens are without health care, without decent public schools, and dying from obesity.

Reminds me of Watergate. Nixon was not sacked for illegally invading one country (Cambodia), and killing hundreds of thousands. He was not sacked for the Christmas bombings or the deliberate bombing of North Vietnamese food supplies, dams, and irrigation channels. He was sacked because he messed with people who could fight back.

Same goes for Bush. He illegally invaded a country that has cost thousands of lives (both Iraqi and American), lied about weapons of mass destruction and the al-Qaeda/Saddam link. But the liberals are at arms because of this Karl Rove thing. We should not be surprised.

Reed, can you name one thing you dislike about the Bush administration, or are they God's gift to the world?
Let's just let him be. No more right-wing left-wing debates. Gives me a headache.
Let's not get this blog reduced to personal attacks, please.

Liberal talking points? I was just providing a general overview of what's going on. I could care less if Rove heard the info from the press or if Valerie Wilson was not technically "covert." The fact that you believe so strongly in these justifications that you are correct reflects what I will characterize as excessive combativeness.

I also disagree with your comment that reporters "get so caught up in their delusions of grandeur." You may be able to provide anecdotal evidence to the contrary, I would argue that most journalists are not egomaniacs. Why else would they choose such a relatively unprestigious and lowpaying profession?
2020.05.19酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容北市酒店、舞廳準備復業,副市長黃珊珊18日晚間與我在酒店上班的日子業者在北市警中山分局舉辦酒店打工說明會,她表示,暫停營業幾個禮拜以來,相信酒店小姐一定有S?都很辛苦,顧防疫也要顧民生經濟,「遺憾中央紓困沒有想到各位」,黃指出 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?,申請復業前,公安消防安檢必須合格、完成職場須知 【酒店PT 】實名制及管理專人受訓。市府今晚在中山分局舉辦酒店、舞廳復業申請事項說明會,黃珊珊致詞時表示,幾個禮拜以來,相信大家都很辛苦,大家都很關心酒店、舞廳何時解封,市府在研議中央規範發現要保持室內1.5公尺社交距離、梅花座,做起來很困難,所以想出實務上可執行且簡單的標準。黃珊珊指出,復業基本要求要包括公安檢查,很多業者都檢查過,會再做一次安檢,營業場所防疫作為,須單純化出入口、量體溫,另希望做到實名制,市府提供手機實名制APP由業者管理員讓客人做登記,掃描身分證條碼上傳雲端。她說,今天聽完大家的意見,明天市府會有公告,市府沒有要業者做到社交距離,因為做不到,也沒人力稽查,所以業者提出申請後,立刻排定公安檢查、APP訓練課程,確定可做到實名制,就能陸續復業。黃珊珊強調,實名制用意是在發生問題時可找到人,她了解業者擔心客人恐怕不願意實名制,但市府保證不會洩漏個資,業者也不會有任何資料,只有發生需要疫調或犯罪行為時,才會依《個資法》調閱資料。她還說,市民要顧防疫也要顧民生經濟,「遺憾中央紓困沒有想到各位」,希望大家在北市能安居樂業,讓大家正常生活、工作。會後,黃珊珊說,與業者達成共識,明天會公告申請方式,完成安檢、落實實名制及人員訓練後就可復業,最快這周四解封,她強調,一旦被抓到3次違規,包括客人沒有實名制,就勒令停業1個月。
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