Sensitive Workers?
Today's Washington Post details the arrest of 60 illegal immigrants working at infraestructure sites in six states. Typically, these immigrants were all Latin American. I did not find this article particularly newsworthy but I was slightly amused by the following quote by the Department of Homeland Security spokesman:
There is no evidence that any of the workers -- who come from Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala -- have any terrorist ties, said officials with the DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.How are illegal immigrants more liable to become terrorists, once they've crossed the border? Where is the correlation? I understand the need for increased border security in order to stem the flow of terrorists entering the country, but I don't see what this accomplishes.
But officials said there is reason to be concerned about their presence at those sites nonetheless.
The immigrants arrested "pose a serious homeland security threat," Assistant Homeland Security Secretary Michael J. Garcia said in a statement. "Not only are their identities in question, but given their illegal status, these individuals are vulnerable to potential exploitation by terrorist and other criminal organizations."
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Probably another example of the administration's "We have no coherent rationale for this policy, so it must be part of the larger War on Terror, and therefore any criticism of the policy is traitorous."
well actually, it's about a few issues, but in all seriousness, you can say this is important for two reasons: information and tracking. If you don't have any information about a person, how will you know if they are in this country. From what I understand, you would prefer anyone to walk across these borders whenever they please and do whatever they want and travel about the country without any sort of way of knowing the whereabouts, contacts, etc. Why would the administration make something like this up? As you probably know, the administration has been extremely moderate regarding immigration and hasn't been very responsive to conservative cries to close the border and keep track of these individuals. Remember, that is how terrorists enter our country - across our borders. Do we want them secure? Do we want to know who these people are and what they are doing here? Or do we want to all them to live here without paying taxes?
The reason why the Bush administration loves illegal immigration is because illegal immigrants work for below minimum wage, which increases the profits for companies like ConAgra. Here's a suggestion: why don't we arrest the employers who hire illegal labor? Why don't we force employers to pay decent salaries to legal Americans? Why do you attach the migrant workers but neglect to mention the rich agricultural corporations (in bed with the Republican and Democratic parties) who illegaly use Latin American labor?
You sound like a real hypocrite.
The reason why the Bush administration loves illegal immigration is because illegal immigrants work for below minimum wage, which increases the profits for companies like ConAgra. Here's a suggestion: why don't we arrest the employers who hire illegal labor? Why don't we force employers to pay decent salaries to legal Americans? Why do you attach the migrant workers but neglect to mention the rich agricultural corporations (in bed with the Republican and Democratic parties) who illegaly use Latin American labor?
You sound like a real hypocrite.
You argue that we need to know information about the illegal immigrants that enter the US. I agree. So why has the Bush administration prevented illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses? Wouldn't this make it a lot easier to track those who are inside the US, considering most immigrants are going to have to drive a car at some point?
You also state that illegal immigration leads to a mass of people who are not paying taxes. In fact, most immigrants do pay medicare and social security, but don't receive any benefits. So you actually have about 8 million people who are contributing to Social Security each month which is being used by the government, despite no benefits.
So to sum up: you want tracking but you eliminate the easiest way to track; and you tax them but don't let them benefit from these taxes. Let's throw in the fact that immigrants are doing all the dirty work that you don't have to do. Two words come to mind: hypocrisy and exploitation.
You argue that we need to know information about the illegal immigrants that enter the US. I agree. So why has the Bush administration prevented illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses? Wouldn't this make it a lot easier to track those who are inside the US, considering most immigrants are going to have to drive a car at some point?
You also state that illegal immigration leads to a mass of people who are not paying taxes. In fact, most immigrants do pay medicare and social security, but don't receive any benefits. So you actually have about 8 million people who are contributing to Social Security each month which is being used by the government, despite no benefits.
So to sum up: you want tracking but you eliminate the easiest way to track; and you tax them but don't let them benefit from these taxes. Let's throw in the fact that immigrants are doing all the dirty work that you don't have to do. Two words come to mind: hypocrisy and exploitation.
Why is Anonymous a hypocrite? There was no mention of not arresting companies that are exploiting illegal immigration in the statement. Could it be that anonymous agrees with you? I guess you may never know. And Christian, are you the D.C. United soccer player? If so, stick to that. Where are your facts that most illegal immigrants, who work below minimum wage, pay medicare and social security? Finally, when did anonymous say anything about no national id cards or driver's licenses? Seems unfair to put words in the person's mouth like that. One word comes to mind: intelligence. It seems important to me to gather as much as we can.
Illegal Immigrants are Bolstering Social Security with Millions
This is a NYTimes article that states that "about seven million illegal immigrant workers in United States are providing Social Security system with subsidy of as much as $7 billion a year through payroll taxes withheld from their wages, but they will not be eligible for public pensions in retirement."
This is a NYTimes article that states that "about seven million illegal immigrant workers in United States are providing Social Security system with subsidy of as much as $7 billion a year through payroll taxes withheld from their wages, but they will not be eligible for public pensions in retirement."
I live in the United Kingdom. We are presently witnessing a media whipping up stories about mass influxes of immigrants, and ...of course, the constant government data about potential terrorist threats.
In amongst all of this, our civil rights are being errode...why?...to protect us of course.
In the UK, under the Criminal Justice Act, we have no right to gather for peaceful protest without asking official permission first. The government is pushing for ID cards now, using terrorism and illegal immigrants as the basis for this, despite the fact that ID cards did not stop terrorist attrocities in mainland Europe.
Be careful....governments need scapegoats in times of peace...they need to create bunker mentality...watch your freedom...it`s being erroded.
In amongst all of this, our civil rights are being errode...why?...to protect us of course.
In the UK, under the Criminal Justice Act, we have no right to gather for peaceful protest without asking official permission first. The government is pushing for ID cards now, using terrorism and illegal immigrants as the basis for this, despite the fact that ID cards did not stop terrorist attrocities in mainland Europe.
Be careful....governments need scapegoats in times of peace...they need to create bunker mentality...watch your freedom...it`s being erroded.
Zeppellina, good point. Given that the US Patriot Act is similar to the UK Criminal Justice Act in that capacity, do you think the people under both the US and UK governments are paying a price that is a great compromise to our civil rights for this "security"?
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